You want a modular pump track but you don't have the necessary funds? We have good news!
The Federal Office of Sport (BASPO) has set itself the task of planning and designing residential areas in a sustainable manner that is conducive to sport and exercise. Projects can still be submitted until June 20, 2025 be submitted.
Federal agencies involved
Federal Office for Spatial Development (ARE), Federal Roads Office
(ASTRA), Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN), Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH)
What is it about?
initial situation
3/4 of the Swiss population do sport at least once a week – preferably close to where they live.
Motives are exercise, reducing stress or the experience – preferably in nature, but also in everyday life on the way to work or school, on the local street – the main thing is to be outside.
We need easily accessible, safe and connected exercise and meeting areas that support this active lifestyle. Those who do not yet exercise sufficiently should also be activated - as easily as possible.
The settlement planning must therefore take into account high-quality sports, exercise and recreational facilities close to residential areas.
Pay particular attention to meeting spaces and the connections between these spaces.
The focus on "planning residential areas that are sport and exercise friendly" supports projects that take the topics of sport, exercise and encounters into account early on in planning and construction development steps and incorporate them into an integral residential design. Synergies are created between sport and exercise on the one hand and spatial planning, environment, transport, tourism and housing on the other.
Projects with public participation promote even more movement and a sense of community.
The Modular Pumptrack is already providing that certain something extra in many cities and communities – the urban trend for every area!
Swiss municipalities, cities, agglomerations and regions as well as cantons that want to promote movement- and encounter-friendly settlement planning. Private actors such as clubs and associations can also submit projects.
- Raising awareness of the topic of "space for sport and exercise" and its benefits and use
- Definition of concrete implementation priorities, e.g. sport, exercise and meetings in residential areas and/or on the outskirts of residential areas; planning of new spaces for sport and exercise; further development of spaces for sport and exercise; access to and connection of existing spaces for sport and exercise; meetings through sport and exercise; slow traffic/active mobility to and from spaces for sport and exercise; climate-adapted spaces for sport and exercise; sport and exercise through high landscape quality; spaces for sport, exercise and meetings in disadvantaged districts.
- Institutionalization of the topic of "space for sport and exercise" in settlement planning and contribution to knowledge transfer between the actors
- Strategies for the long-term safeguarding of diverse, multi-use and high-quality spaces for sport and exercise, for their ongoing adaptation to needs as well as for the creation and maintenance of these spaces.
- A clear, ambitious and at the same time realistic goal of the project is defined, in the sense of a product, concept or strategy or an intervention with measures and responsibilities.
- Participatory involvement of the affected population groups.
Are you stuck? Feel free to contact us!