Fun way to school, traffic-calmed area, playground and schoolyard all in one!

Success Story: Concrete practice track for Wiesbaden

Congratulations, Wiesbaden!

The state capital of Hesse in the heart of Germany is on a successful course. There are already several modular pump tracks in the area, for example at the slaughterhouse near the main train station, in Neu-Isenburg or in Delkenheim.

This extraordinary project is completely new in the area. The new exercise and play course is located on the section of Wörter-See-Strasse between Ludwig-Beck-Schule, Kallebad and the kindergarten. All age groups are catered for here, the playground combines many things:

Cross-generational swings for children AND parents, see-saws, low-threshold balancing courses, a climbing rock and: A concrete practice track with an extra wide roadway. This can be used with inline skates, bicycles, balance bikes – and wheelchairs.

The all-round carefree package for having fun

And it gets even better: the previously sparsely used area is now an inviting meeting place where absolutely everything has been thought of. Newly planted shrubs, perennials and trees provide shade in the summer, a flower meadow increases biodiversity, and self-made chill chairs, benches and picnic tables invite you to linger.

Playground or pump track? The combination makes the difference!

In our opinion, this is not an either-or decision. The playground and pump track complement each other perfectly: swinging, see-sawing, climbing, balancing AND rolling, gliding, driving, pumping in just one area!

60 % Financing through subsidies

The “Social Cohesion Gräselberg” program finances more than half of the redesign, the rest was made possible by the budget of the Parks Department.

meeting place for everyone

Not just for a short visit, the area invites you to linger.

Goodbye parent taxi!

Anyone who still uses a car has only themselves to blame. The inviting practice track is the ideal entry into the "pump track business" and has a great magnetic effect on all generations: whether on a scooter, on a bike or on foot.

A playground that combines many things!


Which route would you choose: over the waves or next to them? Whether you are using roller sports equipment or not, the magnetic effect of the waves is obvious. And so the way to school or kindergarten becomes a safe little adventure.


Cars? No thanks! This traffic-calmed area is only intended for children to play in - maximum safety and maximum fun are the top priority!


Play and exercise area, where children swing, roll, laugh and try things out. Friendships for life are formed and the children are encouraged to move with all their senses.


The location couldn't be better: this showcase project is located near the indoor swimming pool, between the school and the kindergarten. Football goals on the school field are a thing of the past; these creative solutions encourage children of all ages.

Still skeptical? Our experts are happy to help, we will find the ideal layout for your open space!

P.S.: Still looking for the right funding in Germany? We have something for you...

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...Start rolling soon!

How about a MODULAR PUMPTRACK in your city?