The large municipality of Windeck in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia is showing the way.
It's a Match!
Our modular pump track of the week is rightly so, because on Windeck's waves it just flows - in many ways
In a youth participation process, the kids were allowed to vote on what they thought of a modular pump track in the specially created online portal “Windecks Jugend” ( The result? Clearly! Over 600 kids and young people voted for PRO PUMPTRACK (96%). The city has been enjoying its own mobile waves in the form of a speedring layout since September 2022.
The financing:
The financing went optimally: Windeck initially chose the smallest version, a speed ring, as the basic model, subsidized by local donations. Depending on your budget, the pump track can be expanded and enlarged at any time.
No building permit!
Another plus point for the large-scale municipality: no building permit! This makes the decision-making process much shorter and the mobile solution more flexible than alternatives!
Sharing makes you happy!
The Windecker waves are allowed to wander. From district to district and from area to area, because it is not anchored to the ground and is mobile. That was a big criterion when purchasing the system. All 66 locations in the large municipality benefit from the pump track.
Roll and go
The waves can wander, be left standing for as long as desired, continue to migrate, be stored if necessary, and continue to migrate. You can vote on your own online platform as to which district is next in line!
By the way: Installation and dismantling is possible for experienced teams in no time at all! 😉
TV waves
The Windecker pump track waves are famous, so to speak. On the day of the opening ceremony in late summer 2022, WDR was also there and the mayor, Ms. Gauß, was then invited to the studio for an interview. Cool thing!
We are proud of great projects like WIndecks Wellen, which makes life in Windeck even more beautiful thanks to the mayor's commitment and countless voices from kids and young people!
And whoever says: We can do that too! Get your individual modular pump track, whether black speed ring or red ranch
-we find the right layout!